ONLINE LEED EXAM PREP now has the new LEED v4 AP BD+C and Green Associate exam preparation materials! Our exam prep will include a study guide, practice tests, 4 live online modules, flash cards, memory charts and audio files to help solidify your understanding of the material. Developed by over 7 LEED APs, our comprehensive exam preparation materials will give you everything you need to successfully complete the exam. Plus, our exam prep is all online, so you’ll have instant access to all of your exam prep materials!

*Exam preparation materials provided by education affiliate GBRI.

Anytime Access

You will have immediate access to all exam prep modules so you can view them online, 24/7 for your convenience.

Anytime Access

LEED GA Exam Prep Anytime

$199.00 Add to cart

LEED GA Exam Prep Anytime

$249.00 Add to cart

LEED AP O+M Exam Prep Anytime

$249.00 Add to cart